
JUES PODS - Do you know how many puffs of vaping you should take in a day?

Do you know how many puffs of vaping you should take in a day?

Many individuals care about the amount of vaping, whether it is done as a hobby or as a substitute for cigarette smoking. Given that electronic cigarettes are substitutes for traditional cigarettes, it may appear entirely normal and natural to employ the same style of puffing; yet, it is a different strategy.

So, how many puffs a day is considered normal?

The answer isn’t as simple as it appears. There is no such thing as “normal,” and the number of puffs each day is irrelevant. The permissible daily nicotine intake varies depending on lifestyle and biological factors.

Because calculating nicotine intake each puff isn’t an exact science, it’s better to meet your needs.

If you’re trying to quit smoking, fulfil your desires while gradually decreasing your nicotine concentration. Check to see if you’re not overeating throughout the day.

We can assist you if you are unsure where to begin. There are so many vaping alternatives that it might be daunting. Here’s how to figure out your vape nicotine level based on your favourite flavours, how severe the nicotine hits you, and other considerations.

Choosing Your Nicotine Level for Vaping

Identifying your vaping nicotine level depends on several things.


A greater nicotine level e-juice will have a considerably harsher taste, similar to alcoholic beverages. Some vape users choose a lower setting merely to endure the flavour. More experienced users, on the other hand, have grown accustomed to the harsh taste of a high proportion of e-juice. It is up to you to decide whether or not you want flavour to be a priority when vaping. JUES Pods have 12 different and unique flavors, that will definitely satisfy your taste buds. You can choose your favourite JUES Pods flavors. Most popular JUES Pods flavors are Spring water, Long Jing tea and Blackberry tobacco.

Throat Wound

The sensation in your throat when you inhale nicotine is referred to as a “throat hit.” It feels smooth and satisfying to inhale vapour with a low concentration. However, inhaling a higher amount of vapour can be uncomfortable. Again, it’s up to you to find a throat hit that works for you at the concentration level you desire. JUES Pods, consist of perfect amount of nicotine salt and biologically tested and approved ingredients. So you won’t have the feel of throat hit, when you inhale JUES Pods.


A heavy smoker attempting to quit smoking will almost certainly require a higher amount of nicotine. A light smoker will most likely require a much lower concentration because they do not require as much nicotine to satisfy their cravings.

The atmosphere in which you vape also plays a role. If you only vape socially or infrequently, a higher level may be sufficient because you are not inhaling as much. However, if you vape for an extended period of time, you may require a lesser concentration. As JUES pods consist of very less amount of nicotine level, even if you inhale more time also you wont feel the irritation or impact of traditional smoking.

Equivalence of Smoking

If you used to smoke, you’ll need to select a nicotine dosage that gives you the same pleasure as cigarettes. If you are trying to quit smoking, you should gradually reduce your concentration over time.

As you can see, there are various things to consider when determining which concentration is best for you. When deciding on a concentration, keep the following two rules in mind:

1. If you used to smoke or vape nicotine-laced e-juices, choose a nicotine dose that meets your needs.

2. If you are not an ex-smoker or have no experience vaping with nicotine, you should avoid vaping and smoking.

 In this case, JUES Pods will be your better option, because JUES Pods are filled with 3-5 percentage of nicotine salt. It won’t harm your body much when compared to traditional cigarettes.


Even though nicotine levels may be calculated every puff, determining how much nicotine is in a vape is difficult. It’s far better to just be mindful of your smoking habits while ensuring you’re not inhaling too much.

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